Libertad en Trading is the first cryptocurrency exchange to distribute 100% of the collected commissions between 50X and 50X100 token holders

We distribute all commissions excluding expenses

This is not a benefit that will lessen over time - it will stay with you for as long as you hold your 50X100.

A special 20% bonus in commission earnings for original 50x100 buyers

This 20% bonus is distributed among current 50x100 holders, who have never sold their tokens. Therefore, in a scenario where more people sell their 50x100 in the open market, a fewer number of 50x100 token holders who never sold them is left and the greater their share of that 20% will be. This is something that cannot be reversed and is only attributed to 50x100 holders, thus the per-token share of that reserved 20% will only ever increase over time. The takeaway from this is the following: it is better to never sell 50x100 and watch your dividends grow.


Do not transfer your 50x100 tokens between addresses after you've got them from the 50X100:SHOP or they will be converted to 50X tokens and no longer qualified for the 20% pool part of the distributions!

¿Cómo obtener 50X100 tokens usando 50X100:SHOP?

1. Para obtener 50X100:SHOP confirma los términos de la Dirección de Contrato e ingresa la dirección cartera Ethereum:

Confirmo que he leído, comprendido y acepto el contenido de la información de tokens 50X100, incluida la Divulgación de Riesgos, recibí toda la información que necesito y he emitido mi propia decisión informada sobre los resultados futuros del proyecto y todos los riesgos asociados con dicho desarrollo inicial . Al interactuar con el contracto inteligente de 50X100:SHOP, confirmo que no soy ciudadano de Hong Kong, China o EE. UU., ni residente permanente de los Estados Unidos, ni tengo una residencia o domicilio principal en los Estados Unidos, incluyendo Puerto Rico, las Islas Vírgenes de EE. UU. y cualquier otro territorio de ultramar de los Estados Unidos.

2. Enter your Ethereum address

Ingresa tu dirección Ethereum en el formulario a continuación y la dirección de Contrato Inteligente 50X100:SHOP será mostrado. Transfiere cualquier cantidad de ETH mayor a 0.11 ETH a esta dirección desde TU PROPIA DIRECCIÓN BLOCKCHAIN. Si vas a transferir fondos desde una cuenta de intercambio o cualquier otro servicio excepto tu DIRECION BLOCKCHAIN, tus tokens se perderán debido a que serán enviados a la misma dirección de la que recibimos ETH inmediatamente después, y los Intercambios y servicios no se acreditarán a tu cuenta con estos tokens.

Next transaction's price of the 50X100 token is
1 50X100 = {rate_50x_eth} ETH 1 ETH = {rate_eth_50x} 50X100
{available} 50X100


Do not transfer your 50x100 tokens between addresses after you've got them from the 50X100:SHOP or they will be converted to 50X tokens and no longer qualified for the 20% pool part of the distributions!

3. Make a transaction

Next transaction's price of the 50X100 token is {rate_50x_eth} ETH so you can get {rate_eth_50x} 50X100 per 1 ETH if your transaction will be next.
You can transfer up to {availableETH} ETH, now available {available} 50X100

Please note that the price is changing dynamically by the smart contract depending on the amount of the 50X100 tokens left.

Starting price is 4 ETH per 1,000 50X100 and the last token might be sold at 100 ETH / 1000 50X100

This smart-contract has no deadline and is valid till there would be no tokens left. Current 50X100 supply available in the 50X100:SHOP is {available} 50X100.

Token Details

50X Tokens

Smart contract0x4049295fb42de67ccf028a2570b05564cb8cb785
¡Advertencia! Do not transfer ETH to the token's smart contract address of your ETH will be lost!
Current supply 50Х
Distribution share80%

Where to buy

50X100 Tokens

Smart contract0x5c93c04cd34ddb4ee988466563a38b139e41401e
¡Advertencia! Do not transfer ETH to the token's smart contract address of your ETH will be lost!
Current supply 50Х100
Distribution share